You don't remember a president who wasn't Barack Obama. When Obama won the 2008 election, you were a toddler, too little to go with your dad and me when we flew to DC to stand in the freezing cold with hundreds of thousands of people and watched him take the oath of office. However, if Hillary Clinton becomes the first woman president, you will remember that day. And hopefully you'll remember a little bit of last night, even though you are thankfully young enough not to realize how ground-breaking it was, even though you rolled your eyes when I asked you stay in the room and watch it with me. You probably didn't notice that I was crying. I'm pretty sure you thought I was being a little silly.
But even though I don't think you fully understood the significance of the roll call vote, I know you understand the importance of this election. And that's why I'm writing to you about it right now and not in November when we'll know the outcome and be either ecstatic or devastated. I'm writing to let you know that while we were in Brooklyn, you "prank called" people to ask them how they felt about the convention, to ask whether or not they were "with her." I'm writing because I watched you sit outside with a group of adults last week and paint a banner that said I Condemn Anti-Black Police Violence, and then march through our new city with a poster bearing the name of one of the many people of color killed by racist police violence in 2016. I'm writing because you ask our LGBTQ friends questions about their experiences, really listen to their answers, and then incorporate those answers into the way you see the world. I'm writing because you know you're privileged as a middle-class white girl, and you use that privilege to speak truth and stand up for people who don't have the same advantages. I'm writing because you do see race. You saw that your friends in Atlanta often experienced racism. You see the difference between the way white people and people of color are treated in this country. But you don't care about race when it comes to deciding whether someone is a good person, someone you want to be around, someone worthy of love. I'm writing because I'm proud of you.
What I should have said was this: You are good for this world. You don't see it right now, but the love and empathy you have for every other person on earth is a remarkable thing. I've never known another child like you, even when I was a child. I've never known a child who automatically accepts every person she meets as person worthy of dignity and respect. And I mean every single person you meet. People don't have to be like you for you to value their experiences. Every life matters to you just by virtue of being a human life. Your kindness, intelligence, and compassion are inspiring not only to me, but to everyone who has a chance to see you in action.
I know you don't think you could possibly have any impact on the mothers we saw speaking at the convention last night, and to a large extent, you're right. One of the most difficult things about growing up is realizing that sometimes bad things happen to people who don't deserve them, and no amount of praying or bargaining can ever undo the wrong that has been done. It's a lesson you learned for the first time when you were five and your uncle-- your favorite person in the world-- was killed in an accident. You felt the pain of that loss, and you watched helplessly as the rest of our family felt it, too. I know that as you watched the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, and Jordan Davis speak about losing their children, a part of you was imagining your grandmother. You know all too well that that you cannot "fix" the death of a child. But you can work to fix the circumstances that led to the deaths of those particular children.

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